Last Wednesday Dan and I went to a quaint little restaurant for dinner. We sat down and ordered, and I told Dan I would go to the bathroom and be right back. I walked to the bathroom and as I pushed open the door this wave of memories hit me. The peacock wallpaper reminded me how hard it was to push the door open and how I couldn't breathe just from trying to walk the 50ish feet from our table to the bathroom. The memories were from the last time we were there, about December 26th. We were there for brunch that day, and it was a struggle to get me out of the house. It was a struggle to get me out of the car and into the restaurant. I had a coughing spell and had to sit down in the front area of the restaurant and catch my breath before I could hobble and gasp my way to where my friends were seated. Soon after I sat down, I had to go to the bathroom. Dan offered to walk me there because I was breathing so poorly, but I refused his help because I ...