Best Day
Am I a horrible person because I don’t believe that “my donor’s worst day was my best day?” One, it doesn’t make sense – not literally. My donor was brain dead several days before I was transplanted. I assume that was the worst day for his family and loved ones. And while I feel very blessed to have new lungs, beyond grateful to my donor who decided to save the lives of strangers he would never meet, I wouldn’t say my transplant date is “the best day of my life.” Life-changing, yes. I received the gift of life. And it’s incredible, amazing, and beyond words. But all I remember from that day are going to surgery, and a little bit when they woke me in the ICU to prove to my family I was still there. They woke me long enough for me to open my eyes a little and squeeze hands. And honestly, is it the best day of my family’s lives? They sat around, waiting to hear if I made it through surgery. If I was expect...