I feeeeeeeeel like I'm FLYYYYYYYYYYING!

One day vomit-free and I feel like I'm going to conquer the damn world!

I WILL get better!
I will BE better!
My life can re-start post cancer (maybe... we still need to see what today's blood work showed)!

I want to  dance and sing and jump and QUILT!
I want to organize the house! I want to quilt and sew and knit! 
I want to write about my experiences!
I want to see the world!

...but for today, I'm going to continue teaching myself to crochet (basically the only craft I've ever failed and given up on), and make sure my body keeps getting better!!!

Short-ish note on why I was so sick:

Levothyroxine.  The thyroid hormone you have to take forever once they remove your thyroid.  I am very clearly allergic to something in it.  It's unlikely that it's the levothyroxine itself.  It's most likely the blue dye or additives.  This is why I've felt like complete GARBAGE since August.

So, my options seemed to be: find an alternative.  CHECK.  The alternatives exist and so I thought I'd call my doctor, explain that WE (read: Chris, my dad, me and NOT my doctor) figured out what's wrong with me, and he'd agree to let me try the alternative, even if he didn't really believe me.  Nope.  He's a bigger tool than I ever believed (and I didn't have a high opinion of this asshole) and said it's not possible and he won't prescribe the alternative.  

What the literal FUCK?!?!

This drug is literally something I HAVE to take for the rest of my life.  My doctor told me it's "the same thing your thyroid produces.  You can't have a reaction to it."  BUT I could have a reaction to the stuff they add to the tablets.  

I LITERALLY have to take this for the rest of my life.  Why would you not help me find a drug that doesn't make me throw up daily?  The daily vomiting is putting me at a HUGE risk of aspiration, which can lead to rejection.  

What is WRONG with people?! What is wrong with DOCTORS?!?!?!

This is literally the first doc I've ever had problems with at Froedtert.  I'm kind of shocked, because usually their care is sooo good.  Ugh.

...but it'll be good.  It'll be fine.  I'll doctor bounce until someone is willing to fight in my corner, and possibly fight my cancer doctor with me.  

And honestly, I was super pissed... okay, I AM super pissed, but I feel so DAMN good that I really don't care.... until tomorrow comes and I have to figure out whether to take the important med and throw up, or skip it and see what happens (which would probably be allllll the hypothyroidism symptoms, which are awful).

BUT I MIGHT BE BETTER!!! <3 <3 <3 


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