Do I Have To?
I don't particularly feel like talking about what has happened today, so here's the short version: I lost my CF doctor - he told me that if I wasn't going to take his word as law then I need to find a new CF doc. My CF doc told me I was crazy, Spiriva couldn't cause the problems I am having, I'm crazy, my parents are in denial that I am crazy, I'm crazy, my psych meds are causing my problems (then why when I stopped the Spiriva did I start to get better), I'm crazy, he is right I am wrong, I'm crazy, there's no way I could have a lung infection, and oh yeah, I'm crazy. Turned out I was right and he was wrong. I was right - I'm sick with a lung infection and I'm now on IVs. I went without my O2 for most of the day!!! (That's the ONLY good thing that happened today) Because my CF doc wouldn't see me in clinic or even order a simple set of PFTs for me I spent 6 hours in the ER. (He wouldn't order them b/c they "wouldn'...