A word about my sinuses


(Note, this is not a complaint. I am simply stating that I am currently in a state of pain.)


Even though the pain is so bad I can barely stay awake, I am still able to run and jump and sing and dance (because, DUH I'm addicted to running and can't stop... I LOVE my lungs and all they do for me!) and I will be doing a marathon soon, so watch for that. I will be DANCING the marathon, and singing the whole way. What do you think, should I sing Hannah Montana??? And High School Musical??? Whadda ya think???

And since the only thing that seems to help the pain are my migraine pills, I will be popping them like candy. I will put them in rolls and eat them like Smarties. Mmmm Migraine Smarties. Never mind the fact that you are never supposed to take more than 2 in a 24 hour period. I need them to stop the pain of the goo oozing into my brain, so I'll eat them like candy.

And maybe it will kill me, so despite the fact that I am smiling in those pictures, I will kill myself like Anonymous Carla Basher predicted. That's right. I'm going to off myself over some sinus pain right before I take my dream trip to Italy. It's a good plan - as long as they plan Hannah Montana at my funeral.


Chris S. said…
Ouch! A bit much...

Seriously, though, you can't off yourself 'cuz I would miss you.
Carla said…
Yeah, well Anonymous Carla Basher did comment that I should kill myself, so that's where that came from.
Anonymous said…
You should really be singing Hanson. Wouldn't that be fun, dancing through the marathon singing "MMMmmm Bop, blah blah blah dooo wop." Or perhaps even better would be New Kids on the Block.
Anonymous said…
I never suggested you should kill yourself. I just said your smile proves nothing. And if you truly knew who I was, you would realize that even friends see how pitiful you are, and not only enemies. I know ENOUGH about you to back my judgments, so I don't feel bad saying them to you because you honestly do need to grow up and start dealing with your emotions better than you do.

-A former friend a.k.a. Justified Anonymous Carla Basher.
Anonymous said…
Dear Carla Basher,
If you don't like Carla, why do you read her blog and post comments? Wouldn't it make more sense to just cut her out of your life? Damn, talk about dealing with emotions...
Anonymous said…
I deal with my emotions. It's just Carla makes it a bit harder because she didn't used to be like this, and all of a sudden she wants a pity party at every corner. It's not her. It shouldn't be her. We all deal with CF and you need to just suck it up too, Carla.
Anonymous said…
She's giving us a bad image in general. Making it seem like anyone with CF is whiny and incapable of living their life in a happy, normal manner.
Anonymous said…
Anon # 1 - Who are you to decide who needs to grow up? Who is to say that how YOU deal with YOUR CF is the right way. You choose to suffer in silence, you choose to suck it up, you choose to think that makes you superior. Fine. We get it. But why is another person's choice/style/need/personality
/whatever wrong?

And of course you don't feel bad saying these things. You have no empathy. Although, you aren't really saying them, are you? You are posting them without giving your name, then dropping "hints" like a middle schooler.

Anon #2 - I agree.

Anon # 1/3 Again, who made you the boss of deciding what ANYONE ELSE needs to do? I think you are confused about the difference between pity, and compassion. They are not the same, and nothing that I know about Carla suggests that she wants pity. Compassion? Yes. Understanding? Yes. Help from time to time? Yes. Pity? No.

Anon #4 - To whom, exactly, is she givig this "bad image"? To her blog readers? To the general public? Do you really think that the world's impression of "anyone with cf" will be based upon ONE person's blog? I think that people in general - especially those who have a vested interest in CF - are more accepting and knowledgeable of individual differences than you are. I wouldn't worry too much, if I were you, that your neighbor down the street or a potential employer or future spouse is going to assume that YOU are whiny and incapable of living YOUR life in a normal manner because of anything that Carla chooses to post on HER blog.

I really don't understand why it is so important to you to read and comment here. If you have Carla's "best interest at heart" then talk to her. Person to person. As a friend. If you have an axe to grind, consider it done. Move on. If it makes you feel better about yourself to bash someone else, get help. But do us all a favor and stop reading.
Carla said…
To that last anonymous commenter: Thank you.

I will address the rest of this mess in my post.
Anonymous said…
This is Chris S. signing in using AIM.
Anonymous said…
This is Chris S. signing in using a "name".
Chris S. said…
Okay, seriously, how hard is it to type a "name"? You can put WHATEVER YOU WANT! It could be a fake name! At least then I can still tell WHO is commenting!
Anonymous said…
ooooppps. sorry. that last anon was me. I was so worked up I forgot to sign. I don't have a blogger or google account for various reasons, and putting in "Name" never works for me. So, I try to remember to sign my comments. This one, well, I f'ed up. Sorry, Chris!

Anonymous said…
OH! HEY! It worked this time! Yaaaay!

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