Giving it a Go

I don't remember how to do this - the blogging thing.  I used to write almost every day and sometimes more than once a day.  I used to sit in front of my computer all day watching TV and playing Minesweeper.  When I had a thought worth saying out loud, I would blog it.  I don't remember how to do that. 

I want to write about VX-770 finishing phase 3 clinical trials and VX-809 not being far behind.  I wrote a post about my future when these drugs first looked promising.  I was thinking about all the possible things I could do - finish college, have a career, have a family.  I haven't thought much about any of that since because I didn't want to hang all my hopes on one drug.  I didn't want to be disapointed when the trials went poorly and the drugs never became a reality.  But now they are a reality.

Back in 2008 I wrote:

"and omg this could happen before Darin graduates college!"

That wasn't a terrible guess as to when the drugs would come out - my brother graduated college this past spring.

These drugs are here and my dreams are back.  I don't know what to dream about yet, except a family.  I know that's what I really want in life.  I want a family and to finish my book.  If I would just sit down and write more the 2nd one would come easily.

I think I need to re-learn how to dream big.


Anonymous said…
This might be my favorite selection of photos yet on your blog. Lovely.
Wedding Flowers

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