Why I Write

Today a friend of mine posted THIS article on Facebook.  At first I didn't read the article.  I couldn't.  My first thought was, "Oh great... someone beat me to writing my book."  I was a little bit angry that this CF mom got her daughter's journals published by a big publishing house because I know the odds are that won't happen to me. 

The book I'm working hard on is a memoir of my life with cystic fibrosis and my experience with double lung transplant.  I've taken the journals I've kept since I was 11 and inserted key parts into my memoir.  And the woman in the article had her journals posthumously published. 

I've joked in the past about someone coming across my journals when I'm gone and publishing them, but that's not what I want.  I want to write while I'm here.  I want to share my story with people who identify with it and with people who can learn from it.

This is the real reason I'm working with my writing coach now instead of waiting anymore.  It was the right time to write.  I've been through CF life, and my transplant journey, and a marriage, a divorce, a new relationship.  I survived high school and a stalker.  I am surviving with PTSD, anxiety and depression.  I have troubles with my mom and possibly the world's most wonderful father.  I have a wonderful brother, and friends who are like siblings to me.  I have a niece and a nephew I adore.  I love my boyfriend.   And I want all these people I love to be able to read about what I've been through and see the important roles they've played.  I want people to realize where my strength came from - love - and that they, too, can be strong.   I want to help even just one person by telling my story.  Inspire one person to leave a toxic relationship or stand up for him or herself.  I want someone to learn to self advocate in the medical world. 

I'm glad I read the article.  I think there is room for everyone's survival memoir.  Mallory's is just as important as mine and I'm glad her dream of having it published is coming true. 


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