Live, Laugh, Love

The words "Live, Laugh, Love" hang in my living room. I try everyday to live up to them. Lately I've been feeling lost, confused, and even sad. But the one thing I never run out of is Love.

Love is my favorite feeling. Just being able to love the moment you're in and smile and laugh is the best feeling in the world. It's no surprise that lately I have been feeling a little un-loved. My mental struggles and my physical ones can make me feel like it's just me vs. the world. But when I look around I almost always find an incredible amount of love.

And like the Beatles said, "All you need is Love."

I always have many things to say - like tonight i could write about how my toe is once again keeping me from dancing, or how my car ran out of gas, but i want to write about Love. I want to share with you some of the reasons I am feeling loved - and loving my life - tonight.

Tonight I went to a formal masquerede ball put on by the ballroom dance group I belong to. Because I am a council member I had to be there early to set up all the decorations. I had picked them out, and as they went up in all sorts of creative ways, I felt love and joy. I love my ballroom group. The other night I wrote how I want to have a place like Cheers - where everyone knows my name. Tonight I realized I do.

I feel loved when I get a text message or a phone call from a friend. Especially my best friend.

Everyday when I go to the mailbox during this time of year I feel loved because sitting there waiting for me are more checks for my Great Strides walk for The CF Foundation. And even better than the checks are the little notes people include with them. They warm my heart.

There was more I wanted to say in this post - coherent thoughts even - but they are gone now because it's past midnight and my brain turned into a pumpkin!


-- Post From My iPhone


Gina said…
Glad you are feeling loved!

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