Clean Closet

My closet is CLEAN.  C. L. E. A. N.  Can you believe it?  ALL of my clothes (minus the ones that need washing...) have a home.  That's right, there are NO clothes on the floor.  They are all either in a drawer or hanging in my new beautiful closet. 

Okay, yes, the dining room is slightly more cluttered now, but not bad.  I have a bin of shoes and a huge bag of clothes to donate.  I have piles of clothes for my bonus siblings Kyra and Sarah. 

And I was so excited to call my parents and tell them about my new closet and how my clothes finally have a home and I can keep it this way... and my mother says, "Well, we'll see."  Because she has absolutely no faith in me whatsoever.  None. 

Honestly, I'm not making this up - if there's something that needs doing, my mother doesn't believe I can do it - BECAUSE I'M NEVER GOOD ENOUGH for her. 

So to give her the giant finger, I'm doing a million loads of laundry so everything that can be washed will be clean, and then PUT AWAY.  And I babysit this week, so I'm already doing more than my mom does in a week. 

She can bite me.  And accomplishing all this will make me happy.

A big THANK YOU to my bonus brother Chasie - you are the best.  And even though you made fun of my stuff the whole time, you got it all done.  I love you.  My closet is functional.  (Photos to come).


Chris S. said…
Yes, the closet is awesome. He did a great job!
big J said…
Hehe. Good work, Carla. Your post made me laugh. Miss you! Have fun babysitting and enjoying the cleanliness. And eat some babcock ice cream for me sometime. Or maybe some Culver's. I recently discovered a malt place out here that's pretty decent, though.....

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