Trading Genes
Can I trade my Genes in for something? Another set of Genes? A pair of Jeans that fit correctly? I'm getting a little tired of MY Genes (sorry Mom and Dad - you kinda gave me the short end of the stick). The last straw was tiny in comparison to my cystic fibrosis, my PTSD or my depression, but it was one more thing wrong with me and I broke. I have dandruff. I know, I know. Use the special shampoos, use the special drops and it's pretty much gone. But it's one more thing I'm supposed to take care of, and it arrived the same week as the realization I need oxygen at night. And I just couldn't handle it. I had the urge to hit my head with my hairbrush because I had no idea what else to do. Really? Are you serious? I have ONE MORE THING wrong? And this time it's visible? I don't know what to do. This shouldn't be a big deal, but I feel like the world has crash landed in my lap. I...