Just another Wednesday

Today is Wednesday. Lately, Wednesday has meant that I talk to BOTH my parents during my awake time instead of just talking to Mom, because Dad has Wednesdays off. That has been the highlight of Wednesdays.

But today! Today I still have the lost energy - I feel a million years younger. I feel like I could get a million things done! And here are the things I'm going to try (and pretty likely succeed):

*Shower - not a bath, but a SHOWER, with Standing and everything! This is pretty exciting. Seriously, going to make my day.

*Go Ice Skating - another thing that will make my day! And EXERCISE! Good for my lungs!

*Go through pile on counter and do that stuff.

*Work on bedroom - organizing stuff and packing for Cali.

*Work on dining room and random stuff in guest bedroom - organizing, organizing, organizing.

*UWMBDA stuff - I'll probably type this up while I watch TV/Movies with Darin this evening.


I can't tell you how proud of myself I am. I love times like this - when I am motivated and have energy - the two combined are very rare. :-)


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