IVs for Valentines

I have a new doctor. He reminds me of my pediatric doctor. And that makes me happy.

On Tuesday my lung functions were not quite high enough, so I have to stay on the IVs for another week. I also am staying on the O2 at night for another week. I was hoping to be off of it by now, but I guess it makes sense that I stay on it while I stay on the IVs.

Another week of IVs. This is five weeks of IVs in two months. Five out of the first eight weeks of 2008 I will have been on IV antibiotics. At least I'm at home and not spending 5 out of 8 weeks in the hospital.

I tried to convince Dr. Cornwell that I could do Vancomycin at home when I need to - he laughed. I laughed. And then I said, "No, I'm serious."

Today is Valentines Day. I slept most of the day, but this evening I watched "No Reservations," because I'm a huge Abigail Breslin fan - she's adorable. "Little Miss Sunshine" is possibly my favorite move ever - well at least one of the top. Anyways, I enjoyed the movie - although it made me cry. I also rented "Love Story" and "Kramer vs. Kramer" - but I wanted something lighter than "Love Story." I know she dies in the end, and that would make me sad. Movies where the girlfriend/wife/young mother die are hardest on me. My all-time favorite movie is "Steel Magnolias" - but I always sob hysterically. Right from the beginning because I have it memorized. But it's a fabulous movie.

I got a delivery today - and at first I was really excited when I realized it was for me... a big box on Valentines Day, just for me??? What could it be? Who could it be from??? And then I realized it was my IV medication for the next week. That was more than slightly disappointing, especially when I opened it and realized they didn't send me enough red caps to last through the week.

I got IVs for Valentines Day.


Anonymous said…
I haven't seen No Res... say, I don't think I've seen any of the movies you mentioned! But the "No" DVD arrived today. I think I'll watch it with my dog and a bowl of popcorn sometime before the weekend is over.

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