The Dancing

The dancing, that I'm so passionate about, is coming crashing down around me. I have been kicked out of the dance studio b/c I had some ideas for change.

I sent an email to my captain (I'm vice-captain) criticizing our coach and the way things currently are on the team. I guess she forwarded it to him, because he then banned me from the studio. He has no power to remove me from the team, and it'd be interesting to stay on the team and not dance in the studio just to spite him, but it'd be a waste of time and money.

Too bad the new team captain is a puppet for the coach. I liked our other team captain - the one who listened to members and tried to help everyone.

This has made me almost never want to dance on a team again. And I'm afraid to show up anywhere in town to dance because I'm the new dance world Bitch. I never intended this to happen - I just tried to show how the team was flawed in the way it was working because we have so many members who are new to dancing. So many members who can't afford the two hour weekly private lessons our captain can. I can't afford that.

Oh, yeah, and all this happened while I am here in Europe and I don't have any chance in hell of defending myself. So it's just me, here, and them there forming their new opinions about me.

At least there's another team where hopefully I will fit in. Maybe I'm done being a leader - and that's probably not true. I am a born leader. I do things the way I see they need to be done, and I don't fool around. It's just the way I live my life - the way I have to live my life.

Okay, I think I'm done ranting about this, hopefully forever, but probably just for now.

I love Europe, and I'd like to move here. Does any rich person want to marry me and move to Europe with me. I particularly like Germany. The Germans do things by the rules and the way they are supposed to be done. I love it.

Okay, now back to chilaxin' in Florence.


Anonymous said…
The team doesn't hate your nor are the forming "opinins" about you. If anything they are pegging this all on our teacher instead of you. Keep Chillaxin and everything will work itself out. Promise :)
Carla said…
Thanks so much, hon. I definitely needed to hear all that. Your emails and the comment here have made me feel 100% better about my Dancesport family of friends.

Thank you.
Chris S. said…
Given the email D sent to you, I would think they would not blame you. They should blame D or el capitan.
BreathinSteven said…
Hey You...

That really sux... I don't know the content of the email -- but one would think that even the coach should be able to take some criticism from someone on the team, especially someone in a leadership position...

What sux even more is the breach of confidentiality with the captain... What she did was unethical...

If you're looking for a little retribution -- packaging up that little email thread with your explanation and passing it to as many team members as you have email addresses would give them an idea of the captain they're dealing with as well as the coach...

That could also backfire -- but it would be fun to watch... It's amusing to expose puppets -- and more amusing to expose coaches who cannot deal with criticism...

Or maybe it's OK to just do nothing...

It sounds like you're having a wonderful time in Europe!!! Keep chilaxin'...



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