A Combination of Things

Look at cute photos of my dog.

And now I will talk about today.

Today was my first intermediate dance class with the new dance team - and it's pretty much my favorite thing ever. It was a three hour class, and while I only made it through 2.5 hours and discovered I have no core strength, it was WONDERFUL. We covered the ENTIRE basics of waltz in ONE HOUR - not one semester - ONE HOUR. This is definitely my speed. I didn't feel out of place or that I'll have to work hard to keep up - it's just so unbelievably beyond perfect for me.

The rest of the day I spent sleeping. I think dancing last night wore me out... and I have plans tomorrow evening which should be low-key, and Thursday's plans are low-key, and Friday is optional and weather related. Saturday is less optional and dancing and Sunday is lots of dancing. And then I will start all over on Monday.

Either this team will keep my lungs in shape and keep me healthy, or it will kill me :-) We'll find out soon.

It's off to bed super early for me, because I'm so tired I can barely see straight. Love that feeling though!!!

Kyra posted today about how things can change so quickly - and while their life changes have been more major than my recent ones - for me, mainly switching dance teams - I think there have been blessings for all of us in these changes. Hard times are often a blessing in disguise.

Lastly, I'd like to say that I'm having a difficult time with the death of my friend Laura. She had CF and was 4 days younger than me. The difficult part for me is to figure out why I'm still here. Why am I still able to dance and volunteer and lead my life the way I want to, and she died so suddenly?

It again forces me to realize how terribly short my life could be - which is why I try to show everyone just how much I love them.

So, in honor of Laura's short life, I'm going to keep living mine to the fullest. And in honor of Laura, this week I'm going to tell people how much they mean to me. Maybe you didn't know Laura, but I'm sure you know someone who died too soon. Remember life is short. Spend time with people who make you happy and let them know you love them.

Good night.


Chris S. said…
You're still here because my son hasn't gotten to know you yet. You have to be around to see him get older. And to help raise him to be a good man!

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