Little Update on Me

So here I am in the hospital. I've been here for a whole week. And now I'm bored.

I wanted to have my sinus surgery while I was here so I won't have to have TWO hospital stays in TWO months, but that's out, now. I'm going to Louisiana over Memorial Day and you can't fly for 4-6 weeks after sinus surgery. I was pissed. I want to feel better - and I don't want to come back to this crazy place for another year.

I am GETTING BETTER (finally). It was going too slowly for my taste, but we added an antibiotic and now I'm getting better - and getting off the o2. Yay!

I had my port fixed with what I like to call "mini surgery" because they had to go up through a vein in my groin and pull on it, but I was awake the whole time. Now my port works! And it's fabulous!

And now I'm out of things to say because I'm tired.


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