I Can't Say Much

Well, I can update you about my day as far as Chris and Kyra have updated. I will not say anything else about today. A lot has happened but their blog has not been updated since around 4pm.

This morning I woke up to a phone call from Chris. They were already in the hospital, and I have no idea what time it was. I know that I went back to sleep and Chris called me again later with an update - and I was still asleep, this time trying to get rid of a migraine. I eventually got up and had breakfast and then wandered to the hospital.

I showed up at the birthing center and Kyra was smiling and not yet in much pain. I watched some TV with them, and for details you can read their blog. I had an appointment to go to, so I left, went to my appointment, came back to pick up Chris' keys, went to their apartment, and came back.

Since then I have been on my feet. It's been a long day. Last Chris updated, she was fully dialated, and ready to push. I can't say anymore until he's had a chance to update.

I have a lot to say about the experience - but I'm not going to say anything else tonight. I need sleep, and eventually I will be back here to visit tomorrow.



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