Pepe a Fake?
I guess Pepe was a fake. Oh well. At least all that bad crap didn't happen to someone. I thought it was weird that they would transplant someone that was on cardiopulmonary bipass... because you have to be healthy enough to be on the list. I have to admit that the writing was good, and they kept us guessing. The site is now down, but go HERE to read about how it was a fake...
People suck. I can't believe that she had thousands of people hoping and praying for her - including myself, and she wasn't even real.
All I can say is, I am real. I would say "you can't make this shit up," but I guess you can.
People suck. I can't believe that she had thousands of people hoping and praying for her - including myself, and she wasn't even real.
All I can say is, I am real. I would say "you can't make this shit up," but I guess you can.
(by the way, it is good to meet you!)
Where did she get her info, I wonder?
(My name is Deron Arnold, 37 with CF; I'm currently waiting for someone with normal lungs to die--I know, it sounds so morbid. Found your site via Down With Trolls.)