Doin' Good

I feel good!
I knew that I would!
So Good!
So Good!

...Right. I'm doing good. I have kept up with the dishes, and this weekend will do some laundry and pour my meds (under the supervision of my parents, because I probably wouldn't do them unless I was being watched). But the dishes, yes. I have kept up with them. And the showering - I've showered all but one day this week - and it's okay to skip a day every now and then. I'm just proud of the dishes, the watering my plant, and the showering. That in itself is an accomplishment.

Now I need to work on pouring my meds on my own, (I can order and pick them up still - I never failed there), and doing my own laundry. Then we will work on the mess that is my home. I will get this place organized eventually! And someday I will put all my clothes away and clean my place - put all the crap that is lying around away.

I know I'm doing better. And I think it's because I feel like I have a job. I can't go into details about this because, well I can't. But it feels like I have a job, and that makes me feel like a real human being - not just some poser pretending to be human.

And I'm excited to do more dancing this summer - and to do all the fun things I have planned. And I'm excited to dance this fall - possibly with TWO teams! And life is going to be good, now. I'll have my sinus surgery Aug. 22nd, finish my IVs, and then be good until December, hopefully.

Last Friday I went dancing - and the lesson was Salsa en Rueda - which I love. It's like square dancing, but with Salsa, and it is so much fun!

And maybe it's the anti-depressants that make me social and bubbly and not sad and wonderful! I haven't felt this way since I moved into my apartment in 2006 - so two years of feeling awful, and now I feel human again!

I am Human Again!
I am Human Again!

(I doubt you guys will get the 2nd song in this entry... I'd be shocked if you did!)



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