Ow. (Note, this is not a complaint. I am simply stating that I am currently in a state of pain.) WARNING: EXTREME AMOUNTS OF SARCASM AHEAD. Even though the pain is so bad I can barely stay awake, I am still able to run and jump and sing and dance (because, DUH I'm addicted to running and can't stop... I LOVE my lungs and all they do for me!) and I will be doing a marathon soon, so watch for that. I will be DANCING the marathon, and singing the whole way. What do you think, should I sing Hannah Montana??? And High School Musical??? Whadda ya think??? And since the only thing that seems to help the pain are my migraine pills, I will be popping them like candy. I will put them in rolls and eat them like Smarties. Mmmm Migraine Smarties. Never mind the fact that you are never supposed to take more than 2 in a 24 hour period. I need them to stop the pain of the goo oozing into my brain, so I'll eat them like candy. And maybe it will kill me, so despite the fact that I a...
Glad you got to go to the concert and have some snuggly time with a little one. Lately I have had to avoid all contact with babies. Being within a yard or so of one makes the desire to have another creep up and hit me over the head with a 2x4. But, no more for me, thanks to CF. See? It's an equal opportunity dream destroyer.
Ah, who am I kidding? The two I have are driving me nuts today. Antother, cf or no cf would probablyl put me over theedge from day one. I need to just relax and enjoy what I have.
Take care. Oh, and no pressure on the writing. Write what you want when you want. It's your blog.