
I love babies. I got to hold Trinity (2 months old) tonight at Concert on the Square. I got to hold her and hold her. And I got to do her chest pt - which she slept through.

I want a baby. And a marriage.

It's been a bittersweet day, my friends, a bittersweet day.

I love you, Chris and Kyra. Everything is gonna be okay :-)


Anonymous said…
Ummmmm. I'm going to assume that Trinity didn't really NEED the CPT?

Glad you got to go to the concert and have some snuggly time with a little one. Lately I have had to avoid all contact with babies. Being within a yard or so of one makes the desire to have another creep up and hit me over the head with a 2x4. But, no more for me, thanks to CF. See? It's an equal opportunity dream destroyer.

Ah, who am I kidding? The two I have are driving me nuts today. Antother, cf or no cf would probablyl put me over theedge from day one. I need to just relax and enjoy what I have.

Take care. Oh, and no pressure on the writing. Write what you want when you want. It's your blog.

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