List: Things I Need or Want
* Wheel Chair for Italy (should arrive this week)
* Purse for Italy.
* Photo scanner. I'd like to do some digital scrapbooking, more montaging, etc. (Montaging is a word???)
* Seasons 4 & 5 of The L Word on DVD
* I need to put TV from Compy on DVDs
* A publisher for my book/editor for my book/someone with any interest in my book (besides me)
* More traffic for the blog??? I want this thing to be bigger, but I don't know if I have the talent.
* Money. haha.
* To be a little kid - little kids are much better to pull at heart strings for fund raising. *le sigh*
* To find a normal sleep pattern so I don't stay up until 2 am writing lists.
* Purse for Italy.
* Photo scanner. I'd like to do some digital scrapbooking, more montaging, etc. (Montaging is a word???)
* Seasons 4 & 5 of The L Word on DVD
* I need to put TV from Compy on DVDs
* A publisher for my book/editor for my book/someone with any interest in my book (besides me)
* More traffic for the blog??? I want this thing to be bigger, but I don't know if I have the talent.
* Money. haha.
* To be a little kid - little kids are much better to pull at heart strings for fund raising. *le sigh*
* To find a normal sleep pattern so I don't stay up until 2 am writing lists.