Great Strides 2008
Hello Everyone!
I’d like to invite you to help me raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! As you probably know, this cause is very dear to me not only because I have CF, but because I know so many wonderful people who also have CF. This is the montage I made for the 2008 walk:
Cystic fibrosis is a devastating genetic disease that affects children, young adults, and even a few old adults. Advances continue to be made in finding a cure, but your help is needed now - more than ever - to help keep up the momentum of this life-saving research. Too many young lives depend on this vital research to let it go unfunded!
GREAT STRIDES is the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation's largest and most successful national fund-raising event. This year, I'm walking in the GREAT STRIDES event at the Madison site on May 18th, 2008. Please help me meet my fund-raising goal of $5,000 by sponsoring me. You'll feel confident in knowing that your generous gift is used efficiently and effectively: nearly 90 cents out of every dollar you contribute goes directly toward supporting research and specialized care that improves the quality of life for those with CF. And, it's tax-deductible.
Making a donation is easy and secure! Just click on the link below to make a donation to my fund-raising page where your donation will be credited to my team. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! This year my goal if for everyone to donate at least $5, and if everyone does that we can easily reach our team goal!
Donating to GREAT STRIDES is such a simple and effective way for you to show your support for this important cause. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those with CF! Once again, thank you for supporting the mission of the CF Foundation!
Thank you very much for you time, and if you’d like more info on how to help me with this year’s walk, feel free to contact me! If you would forward this to the people on your email list, it would be a great help! I’d also love to have you on my team and see you on walk day!!!
I posted on one of your first entries, and just re-discovered your blog! I intended to keep up with many CF blogs to read, so little time! LOL
I read through your last few entries and watched your montage and all I can say's a small world.
First, we were at Avenue Q last weekend, too. And, we were supposed to eat at Buca's with a large group of friends before the show but had sitter issues and couldn't make the reservation. The show was fantastic, though!
Then, I watched your montage and saw someone with a camp ANOKIKIG shirt on. Anokijig has been a very special place for us, and it's not terribly well known, so it popped out at me.
Your montage was great. I made one, too. I haven't been able to get the link to work on Blogger or on, but, I can e-mail it. Let me know if you'd like to see it and pass it around.
Also, I wanted to let you know a about some fundraising events that we have coming up. If you know anyone who is in the Hartford/Slinger/Jackson/Cedarburg area, please consider spreading the word. I have pdf's for each event and can e-mail them to you if you know anyone who might be interested in contibuting to CFF.
First, I'm having a Pampered Chef Open House and Luncheon on April 5. Over 20% of the total sale goes to CFF. It's a fun day with lots of food! It's at my home in Slinger.
Secondly we are having our second annual Tomato Dodgeball (Improv comedy) at the Cedarburg Cultural
Center on April 26th. THIS is a fantastic event. Just a ton of fun. We have pizza from a Cedarburg pizza place, beer from a Cdrbrg microbrew, Carmel Apples from a great place in ...where else...Ceaderburg.....all for sale before the show and all sales benefitting CFF. There is also a Silent Auction which was fantastic last year and will be again if I can round up more donors. Then, McMann and Tate Productions takes the stage at 8:00 for fun improv comedy. It's a seriously fun night and benefits CFF. Please let me know if you know anyone in the greater MIlwaukee area who might be interested. Also, if you know anyone with an item to donate to the silent auction...I'm getting desparate. LOL
Good luck with your Great Strides fundraising. We will walk in Milwaukee, but will have a small team. Our "events" are our main focus this year.
Hope to hear from you soon! Be in good health.
Oh, I love your blog. Your spirit shines. YOu give a mom hope!