
So these are a couple of the MILLION photos I have from dance. I chose these for some reasons - mainly to make fun of myself. P.S. click next to them/on them/near them to see bigger versions :-)

This one:
Way to stand sideways next to the two smallest people you know, Carla. Way to go. How IS that 6th month of pregnancy???

This one:
Posted out of pure love - look at my foot position - that says nothing but "Latin Dancer" And all four of us are in the right spot, doing the right thing, looking the right direction, and IT WAS CAUGHT ON FILM - well not film, digital memory card. So thanks, Dar-Dar for capturing this one. I love it.

This one:
Brent took it at a practice. Shortly after this I announced I had to go home before I puked all over my shoes. I had the stomach flu - and I wish you could see the close-up (click and you can!). I am laughing and look so happy (probably because I forgot where we are), and Jason is doing what I like to call the "dancing smile" because it is hard to think and smile at the same time. :-) I also like my feet in this picture - and that no one is together exactly, and from looking at the guys, I have NO idea what they were supposed to be doing. It makes my heart happy. But if you look at Eric, I think THAT'S what the boys were supposed to look like - and even if it's not right, it LOOKS right.


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