Great Strides

So here's the website for the CF Benefit dance.

Here's the site to donate or to join my team. (It's not too late to join and to do some fund raising of your own! It's easy - ask neighbors, people at work, friends - send out an email - it's great!)

I'm really psyched that it looks like we might make my team goal of $5,000 this year, which would be amazing!!!

I'm so excited to see other people excited about the walk - this winter has been really hard for me health-wise. I was sick from November to February and then FINALLY felt better and my depression escalated to the point where I could no longer do anything or care about anything - so to see other people stepping up to help me meet my Great Strides goal in ways they never have before is brilliant!!!

And yes, I have some level of skepticism about the new drugs coming out (VX-809 - Carla's Drug) because they are still in very early stages. But hopefully the money raised will help make sure those drugs get through. Or if they don't get through, help fix them so that they do. It would be wonderful to see kids with CF never have to stay in the hospital, to never have to do a nebulizer, to see them just be kids.

And for my adults with CF - it'd be great for us too - stopping the decline of our lungs would be an unbelievably great thing. I will always be diabetic and I will always have digestion problems, but keeping my lungs stable (or making them a little better) would be absolutely mind blowingly wonderful.

Here's one of my favorite montages. Think of this kid when you think of whether or not to donate.


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