Consequences of OCD Tendencies

I'm done packing.

Yeah, that's right. I have a week and 1/2 to go and I'm done. I have to wash two items of clothing and wear them to the airport and I'm done.

I looked at my suitcase before bed and thought of one thing I wanted to put in it. Then I thought of another. And it snowballed like that until the suitcase was full and I was done packing. Now I just have to get together all the cables I need to take (phone charger, mp3 player & charger, Delta headphones, computer and accessories, camera charger, camera connector to computer cord, and I think that's it...), put my computer in my brother's backpack *this is going to bug me b/c he's going to arrive Saturday night before we leave EARLY Sunday morning....*

I have to throw my toiletries in the suitcase and I'm done. Done packing. Yep.

I also have to get a couple more meds so I don't run out mid trip, and I need a letter from Dr. Cornwell and to put together my medication folder. Well, I have a week and 1/2 to get that stuff done.

And I hope my new purse arrives. Everyday when the mail comes and it's not here I freak out a little more because I'm nervous that it won't get here on time and last minute I'll have to go buy an acceptable traveling purse and then I'll have to return the one I bought online.

Okay... breathe. And now bed.


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