No Fucking Way.

So here's what Basher sent me in response to my last post:

"I understand why you think it's all real. That's the point. Your dad is a psychiatrist. If my dad was a psychiatrist, he would back up my mental illnesses to let me have a way to express what I was feeling that went along with my CF. Have you ever stopped to think maybe being around him, talking to him, may influence how serious you think your "conditions" are? I'm not saying anything against your dad, I don't know him at all, but in general, if I was able to be in touch with someone every day who could justify all my ailments, I might believe a little too much and tell myself there is more wrong with me than there really is. I'm saying this on here so you don't stop writing your blog. I like reading it, just when you aren't all Debbie Downer is all."

No Fucking Way. She sent me an IM so that I won't stop writing my blog. Great. Like that's good in any way? Like I wouldn't immediately post it here because it's about my blog and attacking me. Who attacks someone because they are getting help for some serious problems they had/have in their life. SERIOUSLY?

As if my father were "justifying all my ailments." Are you fucking kidding me???

I'm glad you "understand why I think it's all real." It's not because I THINK it's all real - it's because it IS real. Some of this went along with my CF, yes - the depression was probably because of my CF, well not because of it, but whatever. My point is that the CF Foundation themselves have recently said that in adults with CF there is a high incidence of depression that should be TREATED. The CF FOUNDATION, rulers of "We don't care about patients or how they feel" Land, has admitted that there is depression in CF patients - a very high rate of it.

I don't just sit here in my own little world. I am very active in the CF community in this town - doctors, patients, social workers, nurses, and the foundation. It's all a no-brainer to us that CF patients are depressed. Duh. And Duh their quality of life improves once treated for their chronic depression.

My PTSD was caused by something completely different, and I was diagnosed by three professionals other than my father before my father even knew what I was going through .

This may be the most times I have used the word fuck in an entry, but FUCK, are you fucking kidding me with this fucking piece of fucking bullshit???

I'm sorry that one girl in PA doesn't believe that mental illness exists. Like I've said before, that is ignorance on her part, and it has nothing to do with me. So I'm hoping this will be the last time I ever have to pay any attention to her, because I'm done stating my case, I'm done justifying how I feel. I'm done. This discussion is now closed.


Kori said…
I'm sorry you are having a rough time. I stumbled across your blog from the CF husband. And just thought I would say Hi.
Chris S. said…
To the reader who doesn't believe in psychological disorders:

* Tell a soldier returning from Iraq who has nightmares and isn't able to work a normal job because he's too anxious that he doesn't have PTSD.

* Tell a mother who is unable to raise her own child because the voices in her head tell her to kill people because they're out to get her that she doesn't have schizophrenia.

* Tell an child who is unable to communicate verbally with his peers that he doesn't have autism.

* Tell a student who is unable to understand the simplest math problems that they do not have a math learning disability.

There are plenty more examples that I could give. I've met these people. They are real. Their disorders are real. Visit a psychiatric hospital and tell the staff that they are wasting their time. Then try to do their job. Quite simply, you are an utter fool for believing psychological disorders are not real.
Anonymous said…
Fuck that. I did not say that mental illnesses in general aren't real. I just believe you can bring depression upon yourself and I don't think the situation Carla went through was enough to warrant HER having PTSD. I don't know how many people I know that agree with me, but there are many. I have done work in a psychiatric institution... A state institution where they take the worst cases. I have seen it all. I know a lot of mental illnesses are real and Carla doesn't fucking have to lie and say I don't, I just think that depression doesn't have to be medicated, and that it is all in one's head. She says people with CF have depression. I have never dealt with it in my life becuase I think that the world is NOT in fact a really crappy place where I have to put much of my hate on.

As for a psychiatrist for a dad, I'm just trying to say the following: My dad cares so much about me and hers probably does too (about her, of course). If I was a dad of a CF child, I would want to allow my child to express herself in any way, good or bad, and with the bads, give her some more medication to deal with it. I wouldn't want my child to emotionally or physically suffer. So in a way, she and her dad are so close that I wouldn't doubt that he could enable it at times.
staci said…
I'm confused - gahitstoni, are you saying you believe depression never needs to be medicated and that it is always only in one's head? staci
Carla said…
Yes, that's what she's saying.
staci said…
well, if that is what she is saying, then she doesn't know what she is talking about, so don't let her upset you any further- staci
Anonymous said…
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