What is Wrong With This Place? Hospital Day 7

This place. They woke me up several times in the night. This morning I had blood drawn around 5:30 am, and I don't know.

I am waiting for a pair of non-latex sterile gloves to come up, and I'm so nervous because the nurse going to change my needle (well, put in the new one) doesn't know what she's doing. I had to tell her she was doing things wrong and that she had contaminated her gloves and the needle and everything. She didn't even have a sterile field set up. What is wrong with this place???

I'm going to work on my book some. I've been bored, and I think I need to work on it. I'll keep you updated on the progress of the book.

I feel okay, but not really up for visitors.

My dad is coming tonight and I want to spend time with him. Tomorrow my brother is coming and I hope to spend time with the entire family. This weekend is Mother's Day, and I want to spend time with my mother. I also need to get a montage ready for her. I think that's what I'm going to do.


Chris S. said…
Let me know if you're up for visitors tonight. We could stop by if you'd like.

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